Weeds and why I love them
Weeds are everywhere, usually where you don't want them. They are invasive, hardy and do as they please. Weed killers subdue them but they come back because they are tenacious. My love for making creams and salves out of foraged weeds allows me to bring some of that beautiful life force of the plant to us humans. Whether it be to detoxify the skin with say dandelion or soothe the skin with chickweed, there are so many weeds that are medicinal and edible and highly nutritious! By watching weeds and what is growing around us locally, it gives us a connection to nature that really allows us to embody the cycles of the seasons and the magic of the universe...mother nature is a force to be reckoned with, choosing to nurture her and understand her will make us as human beings stronger, more resilient and more connected to our world.
My focus is on learning about all the medicinal plants local to me, finding out how they are here to help us, what they are bringing to the soil, air, insects and animals. I love to find new plants that can help with skin healing and learning about there unique energetics. Knowing there nature can indicate how they are here to help. Then i want to spread that love of the plants to others via my natural first aid foraging walks, by looking closely and visiting these plants regularly you start to get to know them better, then if you need them you know how you could use them and where to find them.
Using local weeds i have created a fabulous natural first aid kit which allows you to be ready for lots of eventualities when out and about, from splinters to burns to insect bites, all housed in a lovely robust tin, use it on the children and the animals and share the love of nature.
Robin Harford...is a man who know's his weeds and is a folk forager... check out www.eatweeds.co.uk